2 Peas Wednesday Blogger Challenge: What are your five best attributes?

You know I might have to give up participating in these challenges because the 2 peas bloggers come up with such curly topics. Also I give way too much away about myself. ... lol

So this blog challenge is to blog about what you consider to be your five best attributes? So here is my list:

1. Great Friend (I try really hard to be a good friend, mostly I'm just struggling to keep up with my fantastic friends and how wonderful they are to me! That's means you Tam, Chris, Alanna, Erin, Sandy, Marie, Katie, Dave & Nicky)
2. Honesty (I am honest with my friends and family, sometimes maybe too honest! But really I think the role of a best friend is to tell you that... sorry those $100 pants do make your butt look big!)
3. Loving and Caring Mother (I had the best role model in this department and I try to think how my mum would do things and do it that way whenever possible! Lots of hugs and kisses, always listening to them and asking them about their day)
4. Good Work Ethic (I always try to put all my efforts into any job I do. I believe that if someone is paying me to do something then they deserve 100% of my effort where ever possible)
5. Great Problem Solver (I think this is one of my greatest skills. I always try to see things from every angle and will often come up with the perfect solution to a problem. Things have to make sense to me so if you're doing something in 10 steps that could be achieved more easily in 5 steps I'll usually see thoses steps first)

So there they are the five attributes I think are my best... Lets just not examine what we consider to be our worst!


EquineSpirit said…
Great post! You have some great attributes!
The Scrap Miser said…
thanks! I love your horse!

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