Free Webisodes on Scrapbooking Techniques

This site is awesome! The Scrapbook Lounge is a fantastic site of weekly webisodes for you to view totally FREE TV. Yep there it is my favourite word FREE! I've watched a few of the archived videos and totally recommend you check this out. Many of the tutorials are done by the manufacturers. I like that because the manufacturer of a product tends to know it really well and can show you exactly how to get the most out of their product. I do suggest though that you just watch the shows, don't be too driven by the explanation as a few of the explanations seemed like topics I wouldn't necessarily be interested in but on watching it I found they were totally what I needed to know. So if you're looking for more tutorials than I've provided here (and who isn't.. lol) I can whole heartedly recommend this site.

The only bad part for me is I have now found another thing to do in my spare time (whatever that is?). So apart from emails, blogging, forums and groups I now have webisode viewing to ad to the list...... Hope there's still enough time to scrap..... Well if you've seen any of my merchandise in the "Scrapmiser Merchandise" shop you'll know I totally believe you have to: "Stop and Always Make Time to Scrap"... which I'm off to do now.... I'm working on that other new years resolution I made.... The one about being a little more adventurous with my layouts. So I gave the photos to my scrapbuddy and all my papers and had her pick out the elements for my layout and design the template for me.... I'll post the finished product soon as I've finished and we'll see if I was more adventurous than usual....
This is the 'graphic' for the clock and apron available through my shop.... What do you think?


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