Online Expo

OMG! I'm excited! There's going to be an online scrap fair..... I'm definitely going! Check it out at:

The organisers appear to be the same team that put together "Scrapbook Lifestyles". If you haven't seen this I urge you drop by and check it out. This show has lots of cool ideas and techniques and I've definitely been inspired by them... Plus its FREE TV online, so you can watch it whenever your kids give you a break, or in my case go to bed. (Of course as a seller of internet connections myself I think it prudent of me to warn y'all to check out how much download your monthly plan gives you and factor that in.... otherwise the 'free' show might cost you alot! I have an unlimited download so I can watch as much as I like)

Last season they did a scrapmakeover on a customer. All the designers took time with her and helped her with everything from shopping to organising her scrap space to taking photos and of course how to do a layout. You can check them out at: There is only one problem, if you're not in America you can't join up for the member videos.

Anyway this Fair is a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the masters! The class list looks pretty good. So I hope I'll meet a few of you in the lounge? I'm registering as ... what else?... 'thescrapmiser' so if you see me feel free to have a chat and let me know if you're a regular on my forum or just a regular reader of my blogs.... Look forward to meeting you guys there!


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