A Boy and His Dog

I wanted to do a layout to remind my son when he's older of the special bond he had with our dog. She treated him like he was her puppy! It was very cute!

My sister-in-law came across this idea for saving money on your titles by cutting letters out of magazines and using them like a ransom note. Of course this wouldn't be acid free and would be prone to fading and yellowing. So if you wanted to use this idea but wanted to get a longer lasting effect: scan the finished product and then print it on photo paper or cardstock. This would up your cost but would ensure the product lasted for your grandkids to see.
Sometimes something can seem more expensive but when you compare all the variables actually works out better for you. For instance my sister in law purchases clear stickers from Avery Labels and prints her own titles and journalling even pictures. This actually works out really economical as it saves her buying hundreds of different stickers to cover every title font, size and colour she could ever want. And because the sticker is clear she simply prints whatever the item may be (see her Wedding Layout the "edding" and "ay") and then sticks it to her layout and the clear background blends right in. The beauty of this is she can use all the digital scrapbooking fonts (many available for free) to her advantage in her traditional scrapbooking.