unfinished layout - ALL BOY

This is the layout I started but didn't finish at the scrap night. I'm sure many of you have seen this photo and concept before. I did a video using them ages ago! Anyway I'm planning on saying "underneath that model exterior you're all Boy!" I cut out sections of the photo to make a pretty pattern using my craft knife.
The patterned paper under the zippered section has baseball caps and sneekers and boy stuff on it.
I'm hoping to get some time to finish this layout over the weekend and will repost the finished product then. I'm tossing up using real bark for my title..... hmmm ..... it's a cheap title being free and all....... I'll let you know


Deb D said…
How cute is this?! I've been off the air...computer in getting fixed at present...what a pain...have to share DH's. I love the zipper look. I've done one too. Had a bit of trouble getting it to sit flat though.
The Scrap Miser said…
Great to hear from you Deb. How cool! Send me a photo so I can show everyone!

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