Found Board Books to Alter

I recently had a clean out of the kids bedrooms. As usual there were lots of things to be thrown out and lots of things to give away but this time there were even things to go to my scrapbook room! These board books are an excellent example. The jigsaw pieces are all missing from the jigsaw book and the sticker book has long since lost it's stickers.... but the really interesting one is the one with the circle cut out of the middle. This was one of those books with a sound module that sat in the middle and as you read the story there were symbols showing you to press that sound.... well needless to say the sound module has gone to goodness knows where? But I thought these would be great for my scrapbooking. Instead of throwing these out I thought i could paint and alter these as mini albums.... I'm also wondering how I might turn the circle cut outs into shaker boxes.... I'll work on that one and let you know!
The bit I like most is these were all gifts so they didn't cost me a cent..... more free scrapbooking supplies for me!
I also found some barbie and polly pocket clothes and accessories that may come in handy.... I thought the ripped polly pocket dresses would be great on a layout about dress ups or something? We'll see what happens....LOL!
As there are no littlies here I got my books from Lifeline 2nd hand - pretty cheap too. Love a bargain!