A binding machine for me!

Oh my! I can't believe I haven't told you this already....... Sunday was my 12th wedding anniversary and DH bought me a binding machine! What a lucky girl am I? Being married so long is great in one respect.... I know my partner really well and he obviously knows me well too! And in another respect it means I have lots of photos to scrap BUT therein lies my problem. I suddenly realised.... I've been married 12 YEARS! and I haven't scrapbooked my wedding yet! I've started it but never finished. At this rate I'll never get it all done. lol....

So this is the first year in our marriage we've been able to buy each other a present and I really wasn't expecting that we'd would break with the tradition but this year DH insisted on it ..... hence lucky me I'm the proud owner of a binding machine.

I'm madly resizing digital layouts now to get them printed and ready to be bound... can't wait! So you're sure to see some new projects coming soon!


Anonymous said…
Sounds like your hubby really knows the way to your heart! Congrats!

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