Recycle all that packaging!

I know I spoke about this last christmas so I hope you all remembered to go through the packaging from all the gifts and cull out the supplies you could use. This form of recycling is good for the environment as well as your scrapbooking budget.

The backgrounds of the boxes are often really pretty. You can either use these supplies on your off the page projects or add a layer of acetate between them and your photos as they are not acid free. Also all of those plastic windows that hold the toys in can be used on your layouts as free acetate. Just add a stamped image to them and then lay then over your layouts. I even thought the plastic that was used to hold the many, MANY ties on the back of the boxes was great to use as a ribbon slide. You could also cut out all of the names of the toys and instead of making titles for each photo of the gifts the kids got just place the cutout from the box on each photo. Of if you forgot to take a photo of each gift you could just do a page of labels and lots of journalling to remember this Christmas.

If you start looking at all those gifts for the kids as potential scrapbooking supplies you'll enjoy Christmas even more!


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