Summer Beach layouts

I love the BEACH! It's finally warming up enough to go to the beach. As we're only two blocks from the beach I take the kids there alot! But if we're going swimming I go to the man made lagoon as I don't have to worry about sea lice or jellyfish with the kids. The thing I like most about the weather warming us is the photo opportunities it presents. This layout was done with the photos of our last day at the beach (Autumn 2007) and now I can't wait for the Spring 2007 shots so I can experiment with this kit some more. This is a digikit so for once I don't need the shells.

One of the things I love to do is walk up and down the beach with the kids finding little shells and pieces of coloured glass and I take a little bag and fill it with sand to take home. All of these items make perfect embellishments for my pages and best of all they're FREE! I think the beach is one of the best sources of free supplies. I have even found nylon netting and fishing line and once a lure which would of been fantastic if it wasn't broken as it was of a little fish.

So one of the ways I save on my scrapbooking is to do lots of beachy pages and embellish them for free. If you wanted a really unusual background you could cover a sheet of cardstock with book binding glue and then cover it in sand. I'd probably put a glaze over the top though to hold it down. So once you used the glaze and book binding glue it probably isn't a very cheap layout but it is different! You could make patterns with the sand. This technique would also be great for a meditation subject or a japenese garden layout.


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