Free Passes to give away.

I received this message in an email earlier today:

Wait... it gets better! As a way of saying thank you for attending our first Scrap-A-Faire, we have provided FREE PASSES for TWO of your friends.

So I was thinking about it and wondering who to share my two free passes with? Now I know there are alot of you who drop by and read my posts. And for that I'm grateful. So grateful in fact I'm going to give away my two free passes to two of my readers. All you have to do is send me an email at: . To make it fair I've decided you have to tell me what topic you'd like me to cover in a future blog or video. I thought about making it first two to reply but figured that wouldn't be fair due to the time zone differences. So I'm looking for ideas of what you'd like to hear me talk about. My favourite two entries will receive my extra passes.

The judges' decision is final. No money to change hands etc etc etc. It's just a fun way for me to thank you guys for contributing to my blog and reading me..... lol


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