Free Digital Scrapbooking Software

Well as you all know I prefer to get stuff for FREE whenever I can and during my research of digital scrapbooking programs I came across this fantastic resource at scrapbookflair. ( The scrapbooking software is free and they provide you with free templates, free backgrounds and free embellishments. WOW!

The above is a layout I produced in 3 minutes using a template provided with the scrapbookflair software. This was the very first layout I did using the software and I think it turned out pretty well. I was really impressed with how easy this was to use. I opened the program up and just followed the prompts. There was no searching, no need to use the help function. Though there is heaps of that available as they have a help button as well as tips that pop up and an online community. I've actually uploaded this page to that site to get I'm off now to try making a page from scratch and we'll see how it goes. I also really like that you can print your layouts through their site but I'm not sure I can recommend that option as particularly "miserly" just yet as I have't looked into it too much.

I'm actually supposed to go to my girlfriends' house to do some scrapbooking this evening and I think I might just take my laptop and do some digiscrap instead of traditional. I'm loving how quickly I flying through my layouts. It's also easier than trying to pack all the tools and supplies I may need and then lugging them up and down her stairs...... lol


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