My application for a DT.

Well ..... as you know on Friday Night I started my submission for a DT application. Then on Sunday I began another. I got a little inspired and off I went! So now I have a dilema. Do I submit both pages and hope I don't get penalised for not following instructions? Or do I chose one? This is very hard! The worst part is I can't put them up here for y'all to vote on.... So I would have to chose between them...... I'm torn! I'll let you know what I do when I figure it out.

I do hate it though when I have to choose between two things I love equally. Usually I solve this by asking someone for their opinion and evaluating my response. If I'm crushed cause they chose A then I'd choose B. It's very ornorary of me I know! But that's just what I'm like.

It's been a full couple of days with lots to do to get the layouts finished just how I wanted and then move onto my next idea. I've been doing a bit of embroidery on one of these layouts.

I have to say it is a fantastic way to add a hand finished look instead of all the store bought embellishments. I did some 'french knots' as the dots on some doodling (though the doodling is actually the journallying) if that makes sense? If not you'll have to wait around 3 months before I can show you sorry.. competition rules.

Embroidery is a beatiful way to add to your layout but if you're not very talented at it (like me) I suggest checking out some online tutorials. I myself can't wait till my sister-in-law moves back to Australia. (She's a talented Cross Stitcher) So I'm hoping she'll be able to give me some lessons. I'm much better at learning by watching someone else and then attempting it with them to guide me. So if you're like me in this respect I'd suggest going to your local nursing home and seeing if there's a kindly old lady who'd like to teach you. (Afterall I can't very well call myself the scrapmiser if I'm suggesting expensive tutorials to you now can I?

As a 'scrapmiser' I definitely think doodling is a great technique. It's so cheap! (All you need is a pen and your imagination!) I've been experimenting with my doodle genie. It allows me to start my doodling with an outline and I can then add to it or not as I please. But you don't need one of these to doodle. You can do it freehand. Let your mind wander and follow your thoughts where they lead.... Or check out some of the work of others and get can't really scraplift in this case though as it is too much like copyright infringement for my liking.. your decision though...


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