Fun in the Sun

Here is the layout I created of our first day at the lagoon this season(Redcliffe City Free Swimming facility). I went with a digital layout in this case as I loved these papers and embellishments for these photos. (I'm still searching for the info on where I got these from, will let you know).

We were joined by DD and DS's cousins. I thought this was a lovely bright fresh way to showcase these photos. So far this layout hasn't cost a cent. The kit was free, the photos were digital so the only cost will come in when I print the page. I have found a place that will print all my layouts as a bound book of 20 pages for $50.00Au. Which works out to a cost of $2.50 per page which is actually very good when you consider that I would of spent $1.00 in printing the photos alone. Then consider the cost of your albums and page protectors.

Or I can print the layout myself on my home printer. The cost of that is a little difficult to work out though as it will depend on how many pages I get per cartridge (which I don't know yet).


Miche said…
It is so funny that you commented because I was just perusing your blog looking for new ideas :o) I've hit an artistic bump...not sure if you can identify with me... you have some terrific ideas!

the chicken nachos seem difficult but if you quadruple that filling recipe, you will have at least half of the recipe left as i fed 4 people two nights with that quadrupled filling :o)

thanks for the sweet compliment!

i painted chip letters with scrapbooking paint for the first time last night :o) it was so much fun, i keep thinking about your dough embellishments though :o) can't get it out of my head!
Anonymous said…
Too cute! I have started a scrapblog. Check it out.
Anonymous said…
Love this layout, but then I love the people in it so can't help but love it.

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