
This is a layout I did whilst away on retreat. It is a very special layout to me as it shows my mum giving me away on my wedding day. I used some chipboard letters I bought at KMart and the patterned paper is a piece of flocked paper I got from the $2 shop. I typed my journalling on acetate and added this to the page as well as journalling inside a stamped image which I cut out of co-ordinating plain paper. I did this same technique for the butterfly. I also stamped directly onto the background. The edge of the background paper was scalloped using a fiskars border punch.


This has been a very significant blog indeed. I’ve acquired a lot of helpful information from your article. Thank you for sharing such relevant topic with us. I really love all the great stuff you provide. Thanks again and keep it coming
removals London said…
I really love all the great stuff you provide. Thanks again and keep it coming
The Scrap Miser said…
Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad you like it. I have lots more layouts to come. Hope you find something useful in my posts to help you with your scrapbooking.

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