Re-organising your organised storage to suit you!

Getting your stash organised can seem impossible! I recently had to re-organise my re-organisation....... you see when I moved my scrap space to the laundry I organised all of my stash into a well organised easy to find shelving unit..... Now after scrapbooking in this space I discovered that although I could find my stuff easily it was a pain in the butt putting it all away again. You see when I start a project I pull out several paper and cardstock options and then chose the one I like best. So then I have to put everything away again....

Consequently I discovered that filing all my papers by colour doesn't really work for me. So sometimes even the best system won't work for you! It's all about finding a filing system for all you stuff that works best for you. For instance I was watching Scrapbook Lifestyle and they were looking at a desiners scrapspace. (Not sure which one) Anyway this designer put all of their chipboard letters away by letter. So each draw held letters of all different shapes and sizes and patterns and colours but all of the same Letter. This worked well for her as she likes to mix up her titles. This however wouldn't suit me as I tend to like to use all the same font. (Sometimes I challenge myself on this one but usually a title consists of all the same font on my layouts). I actually store all of my chipboard in a clear zip bag with each alphabet stored in its packaging inside this bag. Then if I want to mix up my fonts I simply take a letter from each different package.

I did this with my latest layout which I can't wait to show you! I put aside all of the projects I've had on the go to tackle the "Sunlight through her hair" photo. I'm just getting new batteries for my camera before I can upload the layout to my blog, maybe tomorrow? I've been going through ALOT of batteries lately.... have filmed a new video for members.... Coming soon: Dry Embossing techniques and ideas ....... have also taken alot of photos at the zoo {school holidays started friday}.... unfortunately I didn't have any batteries yesterday for a picnic at the lagoon with the kids cousins so hopefully my sister-in-law got lots of great shots.


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