My latest layout: I love you to Pieces

Well I finally managed to get some time to do another layout. This one is of my daughter and all the "pieces" of her I love..... Hope you like it!

Yesterday we went to my daughter Rory's first dance lesson. SHE LOVED IT! I then spent the rest of the day searching for the outfit she needs for dancing. I was really frustrated when I tried to support a small business and they weren't even there to take my money???? We turned up at the shop which is a demountable airconditioned 'container' that has been plonked in their front yard. (They being the people who live across the road from my girlfriend). So I turn up there ready to spend money but the shop is unattended. This mind you is despite an "OPEN" sign and a Business Hours sign that says they should be open. So we drove away went to another shop and tried to spend our money there.... but ... you guessed it! We couldn't! My daughter is too small for the smallest size they stock. They tell me this is because they expect that someone in size 2 is only learning to walk! Not doing Ballet! So on the way home I drove past the little home business again.... and they still weren't open! So by this time I was despairing of ever being able to get an outfit.... till I went into my local grocery store (Coles can you believe it?) and there it was. Everything I need. A little leotard, a chiffon skirt, tights, ballet slippers as well as a long sleeve t-shirt and long pants. Now the leotard is a little big and the skirt needs taking in and the shoes are only jiffies and not proper ballet slippers but for $29.99 I'm not splitting hairs. Besides at two and a half proper ballet slippers will be grown out of so quickly she won't know what hit her.... The only problem now is tap shoes! I need to get her those tan mary-jane style tap shoes in a childrens Size 8.... but do I buy the taps in an 8 and she grows out of them really quickly or do I wait and get the 9?..... I don't know what to do. Cause she can't dance in shoes that are too big for her... but they're pretty expensive at $59.99. And she wants to do it so badly!
So as you can all imagine my 'miserly' ways are being severely challenged by this! I'll keep you posted on how I overcome this. I'll also have a photo of her in her new outfit to upload sometime this week!


Anonymous said…
love this idea! I'll definitely be scraplifting this one!

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