Behaviour Chart - Scrapbooked!

Well today I was at the shops and decided to buy a small whiteboard to hand in the kitchen to encourage the kids to be good. You've probably seen these before. A list of activities the kids find difficult to perform like .... oh being good? Anyway as they do well at each task they get a sticker or gold star and then at the end of the week they're rewarded for consistent good behaviour... So I drew up the list and the days of the week.... but I just couldn't hang it! It was too boring! So naturally I scrapbooked it! I dug through my stash and came up five pieces of different coloured pattern paper with the same white poka dot and then an embellishment to go with each. These are the photo's of what I did. I'm pretty happy with it... Any suggestions on how I could of improved it?


Anonymous said…
It looks nice but I kinda think the style on the frame of the board and the style of the letters "CHART" are too different and don't really match.

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