Wedding Anniversary

OK. as of four days ago I have now been married 12 years! WOW time flies! It's a bit hard to believe that twelve years have passed already. My DH and I didn't do anything special. We never do. We actually missed it this year cause neither of us new what the date was .... then all the hype about valentines day got our attention and we realised we'd missed our anniversary. So we made up for it for valentines day by treating each other to really expensive chocolate! YUM!

I really have to say though that valentines day is my least favourite holiday. It's so much pressure. Yes you can do it cheaply, it's all about how you express your feelings. But for me it just feels so false. I think you should find small ways to express your love every day rather than trying to prove yourself on the 14th of February.

My DH makes my breakfast for me every morning and every night after the kids go to bed he makes me a cup of tea and we sit and watch TV for a while, during our TV time I usually get a shoulder rub or a foot massage. To me that's LOVE. Not just roses in February. IT'S THE LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT!

Well hope you all had a great Vallentines Day Anyway!


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