Saturday's class alot of fun.

I had another wonderful class on Saturday.  A new group of wonderful ladies joined me to learn how to handmake three different kinds of flowers and how to use glimmermist with a stencil to create the blue and purple canvas I did of child number 2. Daughter no 1.    One of the things I love about my job is meeting such wonderful people and teaching them something new.

I'm so glad I applied for this job.  The team at Arnolds Scrapbooking store are a wonderful supportive team. Without their encouragement and support I never would of done some of the other projects I have in the wind at the moment. (Will release those details when it's time.)  Plus I am doubly blessed because I never would of applied for this job except for all the texts I received from people I know telling me about the ad in the paper and telling me to do it. So thank you wonderful friends.

This week sees more technique classes learning how to handmake your own flowers and how to alter chipboard in a variety of ways. Hope to see you there.

I am looking for ideas on what you would most like to learn. So please leave me a comment on the topics you'd like to learn about, and after your topic if you could mention either video or class. This will give me an idea of what topics to do more videos for YouTube and which topics people would like to learn at my classes.


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