January Class at Arnolds

Little Girls like Butterfly's need no excuse.

This month I'm only doing one class (school holidays and other committments to take into account and I didn't want to over burden myself).

This class will teach you how to make three different kinds of flowers. How to glimmermist a background how to make the butterfly's and how to hand stitch on the layout.  The first round of this class is full but I am taking names for a second run of the class, so feel free to call arnolds if you'd like to book in Ph: 07 32934390. 

Now I have added a new service for those who are quick.  If you like this layout but don't want to make if for yourself. The first person to pay the class fee and book "Teachers Example" will be the layout I make during the class to show everyone how to do it. All you need to do is contact me on: 0423679593. (First in Best Dressed)

For this layout I used 3 photos (10 x 8) but 5 or 6 regular photos also look good on this canvas.


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