Pregnancy Update - Getting Bigger!

Here's a photo of me taken by my daughter (aged 4). I am huge! And carrying very low! I still have 15 weeks to go. The countdown is on. I am not a very good pregnant person! I whinge ALOT! Lucky for me my DH would have a football team if I was up for it so he is very caring and understanding despite my constant complaints. I am currently suffering from Shortness of Breath, Heartburn, Leg Cramps and my back isn't coping well at all.

My back is a little unstable at the best of times (ballet and horseridding as a kid). But now it's really not coping well. Lucky for me DH has been home on holidays and so was able to pick up my son from school while I was bedridden. It seems to be because I'm carrying so low. But I am wide open to any and all home remedies you guys have for heartburn and leg cramps! I'm not getting alot of sleep at present as I have to wake up to roll over due to my back and then the heartburn wakes me with acid in my mouth and then my legs cramp up and wake me up!

I can't wait till the baby arrives and I only have to wake up every 4hours!


Anonymous said…
Lovely to see a picture of you and you are looking good even if you aren't feeling good.
The Scrap Miser said…
THANKS! I'm feeling much better now. Just leg cramps, back pain and heartburn now! Don't you just love all the things you can have at once when you're pregnant? I know I'm looking alot more stylish than any of my previous pregnancies thanks to the bag of clothes you leant me. So even if I don't feel great I can look good! LOL
Patt said…
I've been reading your blog for at least a year now... and after a few weeks of hard work I've read again your blog, I didn't know you are pregnant, hope everything goes Ok, and let us know how you are and if you are feeling better
take care
Deb D said…
I agree with look great even though you aren't feeling it. Hope you can get lots of good to have DH home and able to help. You take care now.
Deb D said…
I agree with look great even though you aren't feeling it. Hope you can get lots of good to have DH home and able to help. You take care now.

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