Favourite Books

I love reading Angela Daniels Blog: http://angeladaniels.squarespace.com/random-thoughts/ If you're looking for someone else to read.... I mean as well as me..LOL I can definitely recommend her. Anyway I left a comment on Angela Daniels Blog the other day about my favourite author. Angela was looking for new reading material. Something happy. I have to say I think Janet Evanovich fits that bill perfectly. She is a VERY funny author. When I read a book or watch television or watch a movie I either want to be educated or amused. I really don't like scary things.....I fail to see the point in scaring the crap out of myself. Gosh there's enough on the news to do that for you... (Which I don't watch by the way... too scary or depressing!).

Janet Evanovich has a character called Stephanie Plum. This series is so funny. In fact there is one book that I read of hers where I literally fell off my chair laughing! My mum took an hour to get through one page of that book cause she kept laughing so much. (Mind you I had to talk her in to reading it. She kept saying oh it's really not my sort of book. But she was GLAD she did read it. Dad thought she'd lost her mind cause she was laughing so much) So if you're looking for something funny to read give her books a try.

So how does all this book talk relate to scrapbooking? Well I'm planning a layout at the moment of my daughter's favourite book. She is only three but she loves a book called "A Kitten Called Moonlight" by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Christian Birmingham. I am a big fan of the illustrations in this book. They look like pastel paintings. Anyway my daughter has loved this book for so long. The library were tired of us renewing our borrowing. Finally recently we found it in a shop and purchased it for her. She knows all the words in this book off by heart. It's really cute when my son reads it to her, if he gets stuck on a big word she knows what it is and helps him out from memory. I thinks it's important to record their favourite things at different ages. They so love looking back at themselves over time.


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