We're Back - Day 1 of our Holiday to the Sunshine Coast

Hi Everyone,

We're back! And we had a great time! I took my computer away with me and each night uploaded the photos from that day and dropped them into these premade pages I did before we left. I've sent them off for printing and when I get them back I'll be using my binding machine to create an album of our trip.

On day 1 we left our house and headed up to the coast (about an hour and a half trip). We stopped at the Big Pineapple for the kids to have a look and would of stayed there for lunch but the prices were rather LARGE! ($8.90 for a sundae?). So we left there and headed off to the nut factory where the kids got to watch the chocolate coating process. We then had lunch. DH and I enjoyed a lovely macadamia flavoured coffee. Then we checked into our hotel and bought our groceries for the week. (this was alot easier than normal as the supermarket was across the road).

Our resort was right on the water. And I mean right ON the water. In fact you could probably go fishing off your balcony. The apartment was larger than our house we live in. Although the kids had to share a room they seemed to enjoy this. Most of the time we ate on the balcony as the view was GREAT! I even attempted some water colour painting of same... will upload photos of those attempts soon.

By premaking the album in digital format I was able to spend a few minutes each night putting the photos in and my titles and now I'm all done! No staring at vacation snaps for a month after the vacation and wishing the layouts were already finished. Plus I like that these will be bound together in a booklet to form the album of this holiday. Which will make it easier for DS to take along to show and tell at school, along with the shells and coral and driftwood we collected for this purpose.

This break was very relaxing and made me realise how much stress and tension I store in my neck and shoulders. Most of this is because I don't say what I mean. I always swallow what I'd like to say and say the nice thing to keep the other person happy. So I've decided I won't be doing that anymore! I'm not going to be served a bowl of poo anymore and pretend I like it! In future it goes right back to the sender! (This will probably upset alot of apple carts let me tell you!) But at the end of the day life is too short to take crap from people and pretend you like it..... this just encourages them to keep doing it!

So the new me is going to be true to herself and speak her mind! LOL I'll let you know how it goes.

P.S. Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments! I'll have to go away more often as y'all took the opportunity to leave comments.... which I LOVE! Thanks!

So it's all back to normal now. I think I'll go get my hands on some traditional supplies today as I've been itching to do and see what happens!


Deb D said…
Glad you had a good holiday and yes you do need to express yourself and keep that tension away...good for you!
I'm very impressed that you have your holiday layouts done already...good idea.
Love the Big Pineapple BTW and the nutmobile...always took my kids there when they were little...had a lot of holidays on the Sunshine Coast. The last time I went there a couple of years ago the sundaes for expensive...but wow they have gone up!
Vi said…

I found your blog by searching for scrapbooking ideas and I just wanted to say that I really love your layout for your March 08 trip. I love how there is consistency across all of your pages. It's very well-designed. I've never done digital scrapbooking before (only the old fashioned paper way), but you may have inspired me to go digital.

~ Vi

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