Off the Page Project - Suitcase

I finished this OTP project of a small suitcase for Nana over the Easter Break. This is for her to take to her Sewing and Quilting Classes. She can fill it with material and stuff and take it along with her.

I did very little decoration to the outside of the suitcase as I felt it had a really great aged feel. Just adding the stamping a few paper cut out flowers and the ribbons and the chipboard letters. This project cost me $3.50. I got the suitcase for free from my Dad's house, the chipboard was free from the back of notebooks, The ribbons are left overs from other projects as is the paper. So a very miserly renovation!

I think simple is often best when doing a present for someone else. I used a co-ordinating range of pink and brown papers to cover the chipboard which was left over from my book about me. I did step outside the scrapbooking arena when choosing my I actually used liquid nails...... well I wanted to make sure those suckers were gonna stay put A LONG TIME!
Actually the four day weekend was very good for my scrapbooking. I went to Big W and bought some of that paper (pad of 52 sheets) I've been wanting and they weren't stocking. Then I went to my best scrapbuddies house to scrapbook for a while. I didn't finish any layouts while I was there I really just used up her stamps and punches that I don't have. I also used her K&Co pad of possies to trace around the shapes onto the new paper I bought so I can make some really cool flowers for my layouts. Then on Sunday I went to my SIL house and did some actual scrapbooking. She finished a fabulous layout for the start of her wedding album which I'm hoping she'd like to show off some time and we can post a photo of it here for you all to see. I was especially impressed with her bedazzler. This little tool has been around for a while now (not sure of stockists in Australia though) but she used it to attach some felt flowers to her layout. These flowers looked pretty but nothing really wow till she attached them with the bedazzler and then they go to OMG that's so PRETTY!
I did most of a layout which I'll finish tonight and put up to show you tomorrow. I of course forgot a few things I needed.
I'm working through some old photo's at the moment and the quality of my photo taking has certainly improved since then. I'm looking forward to attacking a few with the new paper I purchased on Saturday.
Of course being a scrapmiser I've shared this pad of paper with my best scrapbuddy and she raced out and bought another variety which she's sharing with me ......So for $19.86 I got 52 papers (all different) which brought down their cost to around $0.38c a sheet (pretty cool when you consider a patterned paper with glitter is costing about $1.40 in the Scrapbook Stores at present).


Deb D said…
Beautiful make-over you've done there! I bet your grandmother loves it. That port brings back memories...I had one just like it for school....showing my age now lol. I have shared with a friend too...we both spend the same amount and end up with more variety. Isn't it great to have like-minded friends? That bedazzler sounds interesting too.
The Scrap Miser said…
Friends who scrapbook are a godsend!
Anonymous said…
Your layouts are really neat. Scrapbooking is something I've been thinking about getting into. I've considered doing some as presents for others like you've mentioned here.
The Scrap Miser said…
I hope you do take it up. It's addictive but very enjoyable. One of the main reasons I started this blog was to give people ideas on how to save money on their scrapbooking supplies as I was working with a young mother who wanted to take it up very badly but felt it was too expensive a hobby.... I love giving presents I've made for people as I can pour all my love for them into the gift!

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