5 more ways to save on your scrapbooking

P.S to the last post:
#22 Get your friends and family to buy you scrapbooking supplies for presents. Or gift certificates. I love doing this. I leave my DH a list of things I want and he picks something from that list. That way I get something I want and it's still a surprise.
#23 If you shop at a Scrapbook Shop make sure they have a rewards card and use it!
#24 Shop around! I can't stress this one enough! Know the prices of things and don't just buy from the first retailer who stocks it. Shop around for the best price.
#25 If buying online make sure you know the retail cost of an item. This is especially true for Ebay shopping. Knowing how much the price is retail will let you know if you're getting a good deal or not. For instance if I know an item costs $8.95 at my local scrapbook store then I'm going to want to win the bid for no more than $8.95. Also take into careful consideration the cost of postage. It's not much of a bargain if you end up paying $20 including postage for an item you could of bought at your local scrapbook store for $8.95. My tips for bidding in online auctions is to not bid until the last 10minutes and always use obscure bid amounts like: $8.67 that way you win the bid over someone who bid $8.50. Know you limit and stick to it! Don't get caught up in the excitement.
#26 Cost out each of your layouts so you know how much you're spending per page. This will shock you if you've never done it before. Include your adhesive in your price. I don't include the cost of printing my photo as I figure I'd be paying for that without the scrapbook hobby.


Miche said…
What a terrific blog! I've been clicking through various pages :o)

I just love the no bake clay video part 2. I'm going to watch the first one and look through your blog for an example of a page with one on it.

I originally came here because I had gotten a stack of cardboard with a lot I had purchased and had no idea of what to do with it. I google'd that and here I am! I'll be sure to read your blog often!

Have a great day!
Miche said…
glad you liked my blog :o) i need to be more thrifty and i think your blog is going to help me do just that!

i bookmarked this blog and will be reading more later :o)


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