September Issue Cricut Magazine

Wow such exciting news!. You'll have to keep an eye out for the September Issue of Cricut Magazine as a project of mine is being published in the magazine along with the instructions so you can reproduce the project if you like.... If you have a cricut machine of course.

I can't believe I got this one. I have an amazing batch of friends who have been pushing me to get out there and do stuff. For instance when Arnolds Scrapbooking Store was advertising for teachers I got a plethora of text messages telling me about it and telling me to go try out for it.... which I did and got the job.

I hadn't really bothered with getting published before, didn't really need the ego boost. But on urging from several sources (including my incredible hubby) I sent a few pieces in and was picked up straight away.

The girls as Arnolds have been very supportive and along with urging from them and my friends I will be published in a couple of publications, one of which is the Cricut Magazine. I'm really stoked with this one as it is published in alot of countries.  So keep an eye out in your local store and let me know if you get it.


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