PaperCraft Expo RNA Showgrounds Brisbane 2009

Oh guys my best scrapbuddy and I had a BALL on friday! We dropped out kids at school (we went to school together and now our kids go to school together... our eldest are in the same grade and my middle child and her youngest are in the same class.. how cute is that?) Anyway... we dropped the kids off and then headed in to town (baby strapped in for her first ever scrapbook event)... The Papercraft Expo at the RNA Showgrounds.

We were a little worried that it would be too packed for us to move but surprisingly this didn't happen. The whole event was great. We browsed the many shops with "A Creative Place" getting a special commendation from me for their fantastic extra stall.... they took out another stall at the show and decorated it like a house with lots of furniture (lounge, dinning etc) and then added all their ideas on how to scrapbook items for your home (the dinner set with rub-ons adorning the plates looked great... not sure how long they'd last of if you'd end up eating the rub-on??? but some of the ideas were really great!).

The rest of the show was pretty much what we've experienced from previous shows.. but not so many fabulous bargains this year..... BUT WAIT... my DH tells me he saw an ad in the newspaper today about a scrapbook store closing down on the Southside of Brisbane.... so there is hope for us bargain hunters yet!

Anyway it was a great day for us mums' with a stop at McCafe on the way to pick the kids up from school! What a day! I felt rather spoilt after all that ME time! And the baby was a perfect Angel for us the whole day! Aah the simple pleasures keep me blissful... a bit of shopping, a chai latte and a cheescake and I'm happy!


Anne P said…
Sounds like you had a great day.
Deb D said…
I really wanted to go to the show but just couldn't get there...wasn't well either. OK next year I'm going! We could actually meet! Need next year's diary to remind me lol.
Glad you had a good time. Fancy going with a school mate and now yours are school nice!
The Scrap Miser said…
Hey Deb,
I'd love to meet you at one of the shows. Let me know if you can come down to Brisbane for one and we'll try and make a date!

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