Digi Scrap a Coffee Cup

Well as I said last night was a commencement of the Christmas Present making that I do....... a late night was endured and I'm no where near finished enough to show you any photos yet..... but I did design a coffee mug...

You know how the photo labs alllow you to put a photo on a coffee cup? Well I decided to take that a step further and put a layout on a coffee mug. Here are the two cups I've done.... am waiting for them to be "processed".. but I love the idea! In fact I love these so much I think I'll have to get some for us too!
I'm back to my work space to continue on the production line so hopefully I'll have something to show you tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
GET BACK TO WORK WOMAN... we're waiting ;-) just kidding.
Anonymous said…
Love this idea. Please tell us more about making the coffee cup.
The Scrap Miser said…
Hi deb,
my latest post shows you the result and a little more detail on how I did it. I actually had mine done at Teds Camera House (you can find them online if you wanted to print it through them) Hope that helps!

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