Welcome To My Scrapbooking Blog...

My first tip for fellow scrapbookers looking to save money is to save everything! Save every scrap of paper every snip of ribbon and every other thing that comes into your life. Whether it be a kids toy, a postcard, an old charm or piece of broken jewellery or a beach find.... Everything is a potential embellishment for a page. I have used gumnuts, sea shells and even bark to good effect. What's your strangest free embellishment?


Unknown said…
Wow, I think I am going to start blogging with a scrap book site, it has meaning, its like literally your world, and drawing people into your world and becoming intrigued with your world, its also a great way to keep friends and family abreast from afar off and distance up to date on your thoughts and comings and goings in your life. I love it!

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