Goodbye 2011

Well it's been a fantastic year and as I know I won't have time to wish you all a Happy New Year I thought I'd get in now. 2011 has been a great year for us. It's had it's ups and it's downs but all in all I came out on top. Which is why I coined the phrase "Everything's coming up Kyra" (if you watch the Simpsons you will remember an episode when everything was coming up Millhouse.. LOL).  I renewed my wedding vows to my wonderful husband of 15 yrs. We are all healthy and happy. My eldest turned 10 and my youngest turned 3. I have enjoyed my new job at Arnold's Scrapbooking so much and want to thank all the lovely ladies who have come to my classes.  I was talking to a nurse at a christmas party recently and she was so jealous to hear that my work day ends with my wonderful students thanking me for teaching them and commenting on how much they love my creations (one expecially lovely student made me a beautiful christmas card too), whilst the last shift she finished ended with a man (drunk of course) hurling abuse at her and calling her names. So I don't think you can get any luckier than me. I'm doing something I love and getting paid for it. On top of that the owner and staff at Arnold's Scrapbooking are really lovely people.

So while 2011 also had its downs all in all I can't complain. And with all that fresh in my mind I can't wait to see what 2012 has in store for me..... I hope it finds you all happy and healthy too! I don't do New Years Resolutions as I try to live every day without regret but I hope if you're planning to make a resolution that it's something that will bring more positive things into your life. Happy New Year to all my wonderful readers. If you live close by (Redcliffe, QLD. Australia) I hope you'll pop into to Arnold's Scrapbooking Store for one of my classes and introduce yourself.

In 2012 I have some new videos planned for my online readers and lots of 'technique' classes for my 'real world students'. If there's anything in particular you'd like to see as an online video or as a class in store please send me an email and I'll see what I can do.

Well goodbye for 2011 and I'll be back in 2012.

the scrapmiser


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