Digitally Scrapbook a Backpack

As usual everything is so busy around here.

DD2 has just cut two teeth while DS1 has just lost two teeth... and the tooth fairy was a day late cause I'm so busy with stuff (oops!)

But I have had time to do a few crafty things lately.... here's a digital batch I've been working on:

I'm so excited about these! Can't wait to pick them up from the store! Both my kids will be doing swimming at school next term and I had a brilliant idea to help them easily find their bag amongst all the other bags (and help the teachers and helpers assist them) by designing their swim bags.

So here are the digital designs I created using the kit "Twirl" from the Shabby Princess online store (LOVE THEIR DESIGNS).

This first one is on a red bag: and this second one is on a green bag:
I think these will be really easy for the kids to find....LOL!


Anne P said…
Great idea Kyra. Can't wait to see how they turn out.
Anonymous said…
I love these layouts jusy stumbled across your blog by accident adn I love your philosphy keep up the great work!
Anne P said…
I've sent you an award on my blog.
Cindy Groh said…
Great LO's. love the bright colors:)
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This is a cool scrapbook design. It's simple yet the design shows so much feeling inside.

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