remember this... CHEESE!

I had to share this layout with y'all..... I love this! It was a 1 in a million shot. We went to the zoo as a family and my husband said to my son "Say CHEESE". So my son looked at the camera and smiled.
When my husband looked at the shot on the camera he thought it was really funny that the Lama also smiled for our photo.
These are the sorts of moments I love to journal about most. Those spontaneously funny moments that just come out of the blue!
I also love this colour combination. I'd love to redo my loungeroom in these shades but my DH isn't keen...... I'll work on him... Though I guess I can see his point. I do get attached to colour combinations for a while then I move on to my next favourite combination....... oh well there's always scrapbooking to let me explore my favourite colours.


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