Paper Paper Paper...

Paper Paper Paper: I think the cheapest and most versatile product available to us is... you guessed it paper.. Nothing new there right? Well the other day I was in a scrapbook shop outside of my local area. It was huge! It was beautiful! It was expensive! So I mostly browsed to get ideas. There are constantly new products coming to the market and if you don't keep up with it all you'll be left behind. So while I was there I noticed several older ladies come in with photos which they took to the lady who owned the shop for her to find them the perfect paper and embellishments. One of the ladies even commented about how she was making a scrapbook for her daughter and it was costing a fortune.

This was largely due to the fact that every photo was getting purchased for individually. There was no bulk buying of paper which I do all the time. This is a huge saving as most papers in the shops are around $1.10 ea whereas I buy a pack of 180 papers for $11.95 so my papers are less than .10c ea. My other favourite money saving tip is to shop with a friend ... its fun and you save money.

I also believe in making alot of embellishments yourself from paper. If you're doing a water themed page punch out a square or circle or stamp shape then mount on 3D mounting tape water droplets or bubles or umbrellas etc etc.... by sticking these to the original shape with a 3D effect the simple becomes more interesting. Ink the edges for added interest. Add extra layers for a paper tolle effect.... There are so many ways to use paper to make your own embellishments. The ones I've shown here were done very quickly but you get the idea.

I'd love to receive some pictures of paper embellishments made by everyone? I'll even feature them on the site. Please send them to me at:


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