My Latest Off the Page Project is...... A Cubby House! Here is "Rose Cottage". Complete with carport for DS's little jeep... This cubby house took my father-in-law and DH a weekend to build. We were lucky enough to get our materials for free (only spent $80 on the roof, and some wood for the frame, hinges, door handle, letterbox, window box and one of the pailings in the verandah and the lino flooring.) as our neighbours were renovating their house. This shot is from the front showing the planter box and letterbox off to their best advantage. On the door I stencilled some roses in the corners of the door and then I stamped "welcome" on this little oval plate then I stuck down some blue roses. (for regular readers you'll notice they're the same type of rose as the ones I used on my DD's wardrobe) These roses were stencilled on the outside of the cottage. This letterbox was added as my kids love to get the mail out of the letterbox and pretend t...